For Mexicans, Canada Is “Único”!

2021-05-14T16:20:04-07:00May 9th, 2016|Branding and Marketing, Cultural Marketing, Multiculturalism, Multilingual Social Media, Translation and Localization|

The Canadian visa requirement for Mexicans is going to be lifted anytime now and it is expected to create a boom in Mexican tourists. Lifting this requirement will make Canada even more appealing to Mexican tourists. Anticipating the imminent wave of Mexican tourists, a number Canadian tourism and hospitality organizations have already been promoting Canada in Mexican media.

Is Southeast Asia the Next Big Digital Marketing Landscape?

2021-05-14T16:20:06-07:00December 21st, 2015|Branding and Marketing, Cultural Marketing, Multilingual Social Media|

When it comes to international digital marketing, there’s one country everyone is talking about: China. However, slowly but surely Southeast Asia is emerging as a comparable digital giant. With hundreds of millions of citizens going online, the potential of the Southeast Asian market needs to be on your brand’s to-watch list.

3 Reasons Why WeChat Needs to Be on Your Radar

2021-05-14T16:20:07-07:00December 7th, 2015|Branding and Marketing, Multilingual Social Media|

WeChat, owned by Tencent, is a Chinese app that began as a messaging platform and has turned into a mobile commerce giant. Though its current user base is mainly active in China, it still has serious influence on international businesses. Whether or not you’re looking to enter the Chinese market, WeChat is way ahead of its North American equivalents and can provide insight into the future, and power, of mobile for businesses.

A Beginner’s Guide to Cultural Marketing

2021-05-14T16:20:08-07:00November 30th, 2015|Branding and Marketing, Cultural Marketing, Multilingual Social Media|

It’s no secret that there’s a ton of marketing jargon out there, but there are some strategies that are here to stay. In the digital world, the bigs ones include social media marketing, content marketing, and search engine optimization, but there’s one more that needs to be on your radar: cultural marketing. What is it and why should you care? Read our FAQs to find out: