For Mexicans, Canada Is “Único”!

2021-05-14T16:20:04-07:00May 9th, 2016|Branding and Marketing, Cultural Marketing, Multiculturalism, Multilingual Social Media, Translation and Localization|

The Canadian visa requirement for Mexicans is going to be lifted anytime now and it is expected to create a boom in Mexican tourists. Lifting this requirement will make Canada even more appealing to Mexican tourists. Anticipating the imminent wave of Mexican tourists, a number Canadian tourism and hospitality organizations have already been promoting Canada in Mexican media.

LAT at 15: A Graphic Designer’s Perspective

2021-05-14T16:20:13-07:00August 11th, 2014|Cultural Marketing, Multiculturalism|

Sometimes it's hard to believe our company is already celebrating its 15th anniversary! From starting out in 1999 as L.A. Translations & Design, to becoming LAT Multilingual Translation & Marketing in 2013, there's been a lot of change, yet a lot of continuity. Few people know this better than graphic designer Pascal Bouchard, who has been working with LAT since he designed our first logo. We asked Pascal to reflect on his time with LAT, and here's what he had to say:

Proud City – Vancouver celebrates 36 years of Pride

2021-05-14T16:20:14-07:00August 7th, 2014|Multiculturalism|

On what would usually otherwise be a sleepy Sunday in August, the downtown buses are packed with people of all ages and ethnicities, dressed up and speaking excitedly in languages ranging from English to Mandarin to Spanish. Where could all of these people be headed on a long weekend in the middle of summer? They’re on their way to the Pride Parade, Vancouver’s annual celebration of diversity and acceptance across cultures, genders, and sexual orientations.

Celebrating Canada’s Multiculturalism Day

2021-05-14T16:20:16-07:00June 24th, 2014|Multiculturalism|

On November 13th, 2002, the Government of Canada officially recognized June 27th as Multiculturalism Day across the country. Each year Canadians celebrate their diverse heritage and the contribution of many cultures to the growth and development of the country. To find out more about the celebration, I turned to my favourite cultural experts…the LAT team! Here are our thoughts and reflections on Multiculturalism Day:

In Photos: Downtown Bhangra at the City of Bhangra Festival

2021-05-14T16:20:18-07:00June 11th, 2014|Multiculturalism|

This year marked the 10th Anniversary of the City of Bhangra Festival in Vancouver. From May 29th-June 7th, thousands of people came to the festival’s many events around the city to celebrate and, being lovers of bhangra ourselves, LAT Multilingual decided to explore this dynamic festival. We captured some moments of #bhangralove from its concluding Downtown Bhangra celebration on June 7th.