They say necessity is the mother of invention and certainly the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing a lot of businesses to think outside the box. In fact, many of our clients are using some fantastic, innovative methods to adapt their services in these times of social distancing. Here’s a rundown of some of the things we’re seeing. Maybe they’ll give you some ideas of your own!

PacificWest Dental Opens Up to Virtual Consultations

With COVID-19, dentists are only able to do emergency dental work. However, our long-time client PacificWest Dental (PWD) is offering free virtual orthodontics consultations via Zoom to potential clients. Clients simply take a few pictures of their mouth and send them in, then the dentists will provide an overview of potential treatment options. To seal the deal, PWD is offering a significant discount for people who commit to starting treatment after social distancing restrictions end. PWD is also hosting live WeChat webinars with a question and answer session at the end. It’s a great way to reach out to prospective clients who may be curious about orthodontics, and spending time at home contemplating toothy issues such as the state of their smile!

Mercedes-Benz Boundary / Dilawri Auto Group Lets You Sit and Shop

Another client that is trying something new is Mercedes-Benz Boundary in Burnaby. They are offering a pick up and drop off service so their clients can still get their cars serviced, safely. Customers can book the easy-to-use socially distanced service using a convenient app. Their parent company, Dilawri BC, is also offering the Dilawri Anywhere program that lets people shop for a vehicle virtually. Clients can reach out via phone or social media and sales reps will provide a video walkaround of their preferred vehicle and answer any questions. If you are ready to buy, their sales representatives will prepare the paperwork, arrange financing and delivery of your (fully sanitized) vehicle. Talk about white glove service! They are promoting the program on Facebook and WeChat.

Destination Canada Zooms in on a Marketing Opportunity

The travel industry has been bit hard by COVID-19 with the world hunkered down in their homes, unable to fly or stray far from their couch. But Destination Canada is not letting that stop them from promoting Canada’s iconic beauty! They’ve launched their “Canada is Calling” project: a series of Zoom backgrounds showcasing a selection of landscapes from every province and territory. Use them when speaking to friends, family and co-workers to ensure that Canada remains high up on travel bucket lists. They look great and prevent your coworkers from seeing the potentially sorry state of your makeshift work-from-home space.

McCormick & Co. Doesn’t Keep Things Bottled Up

It’s not just marketers that are inspiring us. Over at McCormick & Co., Inc, the food producer is sending out regular email communications to clients and suppliers highlighting what the company is doing to maintain critical food supply and keep its 11,000+ employees safe. They are also making significant donations to food-related causes. In this worrying time, it’s great to see a company making such great efforts to be proactive in their external communications efforts. It’s likely very reassuring for their supply chain as well!

As author Peter F. Drucker once said, “If you want something new, you have to stop doing something old.” Companies that are embracing new technology and ways of thinking are going to be well-positioned to rebound once the pandemic ends.

Looking to explore new marketing methods or considering reaching deeper into your market by engaging with non-English speakers? Contact us for assistance. We’re here to help.